CMA's 10 Rules for All Students

1. Don't walk on the mats in your shoes or flip flops

The gym mats are expensive things, and anything caught in your choes could potentially rip or tear them. This then leads to the inevitablitity that it will need replacing as the tear grows and gets worse, this would not make you popular with your coach. The other side of this is all the nasty stuff that ends up on the sidewalk potentially is on the soles of your shoes. You walk on the mat in your shoes, nasty stuff transers to the mat, which we then train on.

2. Do wear flip flops or shoes when you go to the toilet or leave the mats for any reason

Accidents and splashes do happen guys, what you don't want to do is walk through the result of the accident. Then walking it back in onto the mat. It is not a pleasant thought that may end up with my face in this. Oh, and remember to always wash your hands afterwards.

3. If you have any cuts tape them up!

You may end up using duct tape, so it sticks, but your training partners will mind this far less than you are bleeding onto them. Especially if they have a white gi. Band-Aids usually end up coming off and laying on the floor, so use tape on your feet or wear wreatling shoes. BUY YOUR OWN TAPE. If you are bleeding or start bleeding during class, PLEASE LEAVE THE MATS ASAP! You are responsible for cleaning up your own blood. Rubber gloves will be provided.

4. Don't forget to cut your nails

It's so easy to scrape or claw someone when your nails are only a little bit long, with all the grips and escapes going on. Plus, these annoying little cuts seem to take forever to heal up properly. AND you have to tape them up every time you train to protect and stop them bleeding.

5. Wash your uniform after every use

Getting your face stuck in the stinky armpit of an unwashted gi or rash guard is really nasty. You will not get people rusing to partner you if you don't wash your stuff. Plus, there is the potential for skin infections for you and your partner from the growing bacteria. Also, NO TANK TOPS for no gi class. T-shirts or rashguards.

6. Now your gi is clean, keep yourself clean too

This is just really basic hygiene. No one want to roll with a stinky person even in a clean gi, it is really off putting.

7. Turn up to class on time

Real life can sometimes get in the way and this is understood. But showing up consistently late will get noticed. And stop skipping warmups. It shows a lack of respect for your coach and your training partners.

8. Don't try and teach someone a technique

You're a newbie even if you think you know what your doing, the reality is you probably don't know enough. Show respect to your coach and the higher belts and leave the teaching to them. If you and your partner want to work out the problems of technique between you, that's fine. Personally, I would still check with my coach to make sure:

A – it is a problem and not just me.

B - so, I am not potentially over comlicating what could a simple answer.

Teaching BJJ is much, much different than learning. If you find yourself on the other side of the coin, we have a list of 10 tips for improving your teaching style.

9. Be aware of using strength over technique

When you start free rolling, this isn't about getting the tap it's about the larning. Just because you are bigger and stronger than your partner, don't think you are the next prodigy if you just lay on your partner and start cranking on their arm or neck. Yes, you will probably get the tap, but have you really learnt how to apply the technique.

10. Finally but still a very important one: don't train while sick.

If you are sick don't train. Having the flu or a cold is rubbish, mainly because it does affect your training. But pushing through and turning up to train is not going to do you any favors. No one there wants to catch your bugs. Plus, if you are bad enough your coach may just send you home anyways. Do yourself a favor, stay home recover and watch some instructional videos or Game of Thrones instead. If you're injured, that's a different situation completely. There are ways to train BJJ while injured that can keep you involved and safe at the same time.

Most of these are probably common sense, but you would be surprised the number of times people will ignore or forget them. If you show respect you will get it back and a lot of these are about respecting your coach, your gym and your training partners.

CMA After School Martial Arts

The after school program is open from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Students must be picked up sharply at 5:30p.m. Please make every effort to be on time as there are late fees.

Tuition Fees

All tuition fees are due on Monday of each week, for the week just beginning. If Monday is a holiday, then the payment is due on Tuesday of that week. Your tuition rate is $5.00 more if it is not paid on the first day of the week. End of year statements for tax purposes will be issued upon request.

Late Fees

You will be charged a $5 late fee if your child has not been picked up by 5:30 p.m. The fee will be $15 if your child has not been picked up by 6:00 p.m. There will be an additional $5 added for each 5 minutes that your child is left after 6:00 p.m. All monies are due and payable at the front desk upon parent’s arrival. We realize that there are emergencies and unexpected situations; however, your communication and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

Absences and Withdrawals

Since expenses continue whether or not your child is present, there are no deductions in weekly tuition fees for absences. Please notify the center if your child is ill and will not be attending. However, if your child is ill for a full week, a reduced fee will be due totaling one-half of the weekly tuition fee. Parents must notify us if their child did not go to their academic school or was picked up early. If our school provides transportation for your child this information is required for the transportation vehicle attendance record.

If you do not notify Contemporary Martial Arts of your Childs absence there will be a $5 fee.

If your child is to be withdrawn from our after-school program, a 2-week notice is needed and the account paid in full by the time of withdrawal.

Enrollment and Re-enrollment

Children enrolled in our after-school program must have the appropriate forms prepared prior to their first day of attendance. State laws require these forms. A yearly emergency release must be filled out or updated and a fall registration fee will be required.


Our after school program includes a 30 minute snack break in its schedule. We will provide a snack. All snacks and water are $1.00 each.


Contemporary Martial Arts will be closed for all national holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Tuition remains the same. We will be closed the week between Christmas Day and New Years Day. There will be no charge for the week that we are closed. On occasion we may be closed on the day prior or day following a Holiday, these closings will be posted in advance at the front desk, on our Facebook page and/or our website.

Release of Children

Children will be released only to those individuals whose names are recorded on the enrollment forms. Other persons not on the form must have a written authorization signed by the parent and followed up with a verbal authorization from the parent. All persons are subject to proof of identification. If the CMA director has not obtained a verbal follow-up authorization from the parent, the child will not be released.


The CMA staff must immediately be notified of changes in telephone numbers (home or work), job, family status, custody changes, doctors and authorized persons to pick up your child.

Illness, Injuries & Medication

Illness: Children who become ill during the day may not remain at CMA. Parents will be called to pick up the child as soon as possible. To prevent the spread of infections, please keep your child home when he/she has an elevated temperature, upset stomach, diarrhea, has a contagious condition such as pink eye, chicken pox, head lice, or has a skin infection or serious cold. Please notify the CMA staff if your child will be absent from school and our after school program, and report all illnesses immediately.

Injuries: Most of these are probably common sense, but you would be surprised the number of times people will ignore or forget them. If you show respect you will get it back and a lot of these are about respecting your coach, your gym and your training partners.

Medication: The CMA director will administer medicine only if the medication record has been filled out and signed.

Some Final Suggestions for Parents

To help support our Program we offer the following tips:

1. If your child must be absent, please contact us.
2. Treat us professionally and with respect. Be prompt with payments and considerate of non- working hours.
3. Adhere to all policies and read any and all information sent home.
4. Participate in CMA activities when at all possible.
5. Arrange a backup plan for when your child is sick or our CMA program is closed.
6. Appreciate that we care for groups of children.
7. Share information that will assist us in caring for your child (example, parent being out of town for an extended period of time, changes in home life, deaths in family or death of friend). Any of these and more can affect your child and his/her development.
8. Communicate promptly with any concerns you may have. We cannot resolve a problem if we do not know about it.
9. We have assisted homework time each day only with parental permission and then only when your child asks for help. 10. We cannot be responsible for your Childs’ homework if they are not honest about their assignments, don’t write the assignments down or will not cooperate with the rules during homework time.